This blog reflects my opinions and does not reflect the opinions of the US Government or the Peace Corps

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Address!

Here is my new permanent address for the next two years!

Kelly Knapp, PCV
Cuerpo de Paz
Aldea de Pet
Santa Eulalia, Huehuetenango
Guatemala, Centro America

Notice how there are NO numbers...I love Guatemala. Pretty much this man at the post office just nows I am the Gringa who lives in aldea Pet. There are no mailboxes. Pablo the post office guy just saves the mail for me and let's me know when I have some. Hopefully I'll hear from ya'll soon!


  1. Hey Kel,

    We voted that "A Room with a View" is a better blog title than "Marooned on a Mountain"

    Think about it...

    Love you!

  2. Hey now I like my blog name!!!!
